Category Listing: News

News relating to Portsmouth CTC. Note that the large majority of news items are available only to members. To see them log in to the site.

Results of the 2025 photo competition

Click most images to see a larger version (on most devices).

Thank you to all our entrants, and congratulations to the winners.

Category winners

The overall winner, recipient of the trophy, and winner of the 'My best shot' category was Russ Wakefield :

Winner of the 'Smiles and Miles' category was Robert Sebley

Winner of the "Funny Caption" category was Joy Forrow :

Winner of the 'Cycle Journey' category was Rod Smith :

Runners up

My best shot category

Keith Wileman 2nd place:

Russ Wakefield joint 3rd place:

Sally Priddy joint 3rd place:

Smiles and miles category

Heather Mulgrew-Tonge 2nd place:

Robert Sebley joint 3rd place:

Rod Smith joint 3rd place:

Sally Priddy joint 3rd place:

Funny caption category

Sally Priddy 2nd place with ""Winter Wine Down makes a sneaky appearance at the Hill Climb Freewheel":

Robert Sebley joint 3rd place:

Wilf Forrow joint 3rd place:

Cycle journey category

Martine Hebblethwaite 2nd place:

Rod Smith 3rd place:

Virgin Media/NTLWorld issue

I'm seeing a lot of rejected emails from Virgin Media and NTLWorld - they're the same thing.

It didn't take a lot of googling to find that it's a general problem, not specific to us. Bounce messages say the Virgin Media/NTLworld email servers aren't responding.

Bearing in mind that:

It could be time to switch email providers.

Setting up your own email address with its own domain allows you to switch broadband suppliers without having to change your email address. I've had the same address for decades having switched several times.

There are loads of suppliers that can provide the service. FWIW, I use IONOS. A big benefit is that it sends me a daily email telling me about any messages that have gone to spam.

Change to club jerseys

At the last committee meeting we agreed to investigate an alternative supplier for our club jerseys.

Up to now we've used Force GB, but we have been increasingly concerned about its viability:

  • It's advertised sales email address doesn't work
  • It's web site is no longer available
  • Production of the jerseys was reliant on a single individual and has ceased while he's not available
  • We've been told we need to order a larger number of items per order - meaning a longer wait for people ordering jerseys while we accumulate an order

As an alternative, we're investigating Owayo:

  • A long-established supplier
  • Allows ordering of single items
  • Allows you to order items directly
  • Many of us have the Hayling Cycle Ride jerseys supplied by Owayo, and the quality is good

Owayo has a different product range to Force GB. You can see the jersey range here, and the gilet and jacket range here. Those pages also provide specs for the available clothing.

Owayo has an online designer that I've used to produce a design that's similar to our existing one. It has some restrictions, so I couldn't make an exact match. Also, I've made the wording more visible than the white on yellow in the existing design. These are my attempt at men's short and long sleeve jerseys (click any to see a larger version)...

Compare this to our existing design...

NB the actual Force GB colours vary from its design.

I estimate the jerseys will cost under £10 more than Force GB club prices - which we can reasonably expect to have increased significantly - and that costs will be comparable to Force GB's one-off jersey pricing.

The committee has yet to discuss what discount the club will offer (currently 10%) and how rebates will work.

Please let me or any committee member know if you have feedback for us.

Date of birth request

Following discussion in the PCTC committee, we'd like PCTC members to consider providing us with your date of birth. That would allow us to:

  • Identify any upward drift of age that could indicate a recruitment issue
  • Produce a more accurate return to Cycling UK which asks us for an age analysis each year
  • Campaign for cycle provision - for example, a recent planning application by McCarthy and Stone implied that old folk are not interested in cycling!

Entry of your date of birth is optional. If you are concerned that your birthday might get into the wrong hands, you can use a date that is a day or so out. That will have no material effect on the stats but will obscure the real date. For what it's worth, I've entered my actual birthday.

To provide your date of birth:

  • See the new 'Date of birth' section of your profile:
    • Click/tap this link; or
    • Log in to the site and click/tap the 'Your profile' link shown at the foot of every page
  • Alternatively, send me or Tricia Farnham your date of birth so we can enter it for you


  • You can remove your date of birth at any time via your profile or through a request to me or Tricia
  • Dates of birth are visible only to site administrators
  • Dates of birth are used only to aggregate statistics based on age for use in campaigns and reports
  • Statistics generated by the site will not disclose individual birth dates

There's more information in our published privacy policy.

Please let me know if the above does not address all your concerns.

Thank you,

Andy Henderson
Secretary, Portsmouth CTC

The Spring 2022 edition of The Pedal is now available

You can read the latest edition here. If you are not already logged-in to the Portsmouth CTC site, you will need to log in to see it.

Contents list:

  • Stormy weather
  • Editorial opinions
  • Presidents' thoughts (that apostrophe is in the right place)
  • Fine weather for a bike ride
  • Going tubeless
  • Blueybells
  • The rain in Spain
  • Col ascents
  • Transcontinental cycling
  • Wildflower rides
  • Home automation 3
  • Mrs Pink and her sister go cycling again
  • Far east adventures
  • Dartmoor Ghost
  • Hill climb and freewheel competition 2022
  • Puzzle page

That's a good variety, I'm sure there's something to interest, if not inspire, you.

As you read the articles, remember to click photos - most will show you a larger version and you won't lose your place.

I'm looking forward to getting your contribution to the Autumn 2022 edition.


the Pedal - Spring22 (2nd Call)

Dear PCTC member,

Just a gentle reminder that work will start soon on the Spring edition of the Pedal.

Thanks to everyone who's submitted an article to date, but we could do with a few more. Let us know what you've been up to over the Winter and early Spring, or maybe what you're planning for the Summer. Articles on rides (however long or short), reviews of bikes or associated equipment, or maybe more technical articles on cycling issues. Essentially, anything loosely related to cycling. We'll even publish non-cycling articles if it's of interest to other members.

The deadline for copy is Saturday 30th April.

There's still time.


the Pedal - Spring22 (1st Call)

We're going to start work soon on the Spring22 edition of the Pedal. Please can I ask you to consider submitting an article.

The article doesn't necessarily need to be that long. As a guide, somewhere between 250 and 1250 words supported by photos/maps/diagrams/charts etc, is about right.

I thought it might be useful to have a theme for the edition. So with the recent poor weather conditions causing issues for cyclists, I thought "Stormy Weather" might be appropriate. Articles and photos loosely based around the theme would be good.

It doesn't of course exclude articles that have nothing to do with the weather. Articles on tours, rides, technical issues, reviews of bikes and associated kit, cycling issues etc, would be welcome.

So as ever, whether you've cycled from Havant to Havana, Bedhampton to Bedford or simply Westbourne to West Dean, we'd like to hear about it.

Don't forget, the Pedal is written by the members, for the members.

If you've got an idea and would like to discuss further, please do contact me. The deadline for articles is the 30th April.

Set your creative self free!
