
Portsmouth CTC is managed and run by volunteers.

Portsmouth CTC has a committee to oversee its activities. See below for a list of committee members and their positions. We also list some non-committee posts.

The most important members, however, are our ride leaders who take on the responsibility of planning and leading our rides.

If you'd like to become more involved in Portsmouth CTC, we would be pleased to hear from you.

The Portsmouth CTC committee...

President Phil Beed
Vice-president Joy Forrow
Secretary Andy Henderson
Assistant secretary Tricia Farnham
Treasurer Heather Mulgrew-Tonge
Assistant treasurer Harry Thuillier
Rides secretary Joy Forrow
Assistant rides secretary Steve Goodyer
Magazine editor Martyn Roberts
Campaigns, press & publicity Wilf Forrow
New riders rep Martine Hebblethwaite
Club night coordinator Joy Forrow
Safeguarding officer Phil Beed
Additional member Dee Warner

Non-committee posts...

Auditor John Blaber
District Road Safety Council Robert Sebley
Portsmouth Cycle Forum Tim Pickering
Prizegiving lunch and trophies Sally Priddy and Pam Pilbeam
Christmas lunch Chris Roberts