Ride leaders

Here's a list of our ride leaders.

If you would like to contact any of them and you have an id and password for the site use the member lookup facility and - if the person allows us - you will see a button to send them an email.

If you are a CTC member, and you would like an id and password, click here.

Otherwise, send our secretary a message specifying who you want to contact and it will be passed on.

If you would like to become a ride leader, read about the training and support available.

  • Alan Brooks
  • Alan Morgan
  • Alison Newman
  • Andy Henderson
  • Anthony Beggs
  • Barry King-Smith
  • Bill Farnham
  • Bob Prynn
  • Brian Fisher
  • Chris Turner
  • Clive Dakin
  • Dave Culverwell
  • Dave Lambert
  • Dave Pilbeam
  • Dave Swaffer
  • David Giffard
  • David Jelley
  • David Walters
  • Dee Warner
  • Derek Hayday
  • Gail Bingham
  • Gail Russell
  • Gilbert Wheelwright
  • Gordon Sands
  • Ian Hewitt
  • Ian Reid
  • Jan Bambridge
  • Jen Frederick
  • Jill Hewitt
  • John Rosbottom
  • Joy Forrow
  • Julie Freegard
  • Keith Harrison
  • Keith Wileman
  • Ken Graham
  • Linda Boize
  • Martine Hebblethwaite
  • Martyn Roberts
  • Mickey Cooper
  • Mike Ashton
  • Mike Harbour
  • Mike Lynch
  • Mike Skiffins
  • Neil Tredray
  • Pam Pilbeam
  • Pat Mitchell
  • Paul Whitehead
  • Pete Doughty
  • Peter Blades
  • Peter Lee
  • Phil Beed
  • Phil Hebblethwaite
  • Phil Nelson
  • Richard Smith
  • Richard Sumpter
  • Robert Sebley
  • Roger Paddey
  • Roger Pratt
  • Roy Pearce
  • Stephen Goodyer
  • Steve Golding
  • Terry Willis
  • Tricia Farnham
  • Wilf Forrow

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Please let our secretary know of any errors or omissions.