The deadline is midnight Sunday 26-June to respond to Hampshire County Council's consultation on version 4 of it's Local Transport Plan (LTP4 for short), which will determine our transport policies over the next 20 years, especially cycling and active travel, and how we can reduce the 50% of Hampshire's CO2 emissions that come from transport. Continue reading
All posts by Wilf Forrow
Please sign this petition to open up more cycle paths
Please sign this petition to open up more English footpaths for cycling, as is being done in Wales. Continue reading
Campaign report February 2022
Here are the campaign updates for February from Mike and Wilf: Continue reading
Secure cycle parking
Havant’s Councillor Tim Pike has asked me for our views on secure bike parking in Havant town centre. And in particular, would it encourage more utility cycling, to work, to shops or for leisure and social. Continue reading
Hampshire consultation on staggered barriers
Very many thanks to everyone who contributed so brilliantly on Hampshire's staggered barriers consultation, below or separately. You can see the submission I sent in here. I also included previous documents on anti-motorbike barriers that only keep out legitimate users, and about the Lethal Bollards on NCN22 at Farlington Marsh, which we haven't been able to remove yet. Apologies if I missed yours. Continue reading
Petersfield Rd & Elmleigh Rd consultation
Last chance to show your support for the Petersfield Rd cycle path improvement plan before the deadline of Monday 10th January 2022! Continue reading
Support cycling in Hampshire's new Transport Policy v4
Gear change for cycling and walking!
Well the government has blown me away with the latest announcements on cycling! The Gear Change for cycling and walking is not so much a Gear Changer - more of a Game Changer. It's far and away the most radical leap forward in my lifetime.
And it has the full political backing of Boris Johnson, who has form on cycling from his time as London Mayor, and has realised that his near-death Covid-19 experience was made far worse by his weight and lack of exercise.
Here are just some of the highlights (and there are a lot) :
- Gear Change: The master document here. Recommended reading!
- A new Highway Code, including a hierarchy of users, cycle priority at junctions, safe passing distances.
- Radical new Design Standards (LTN 1/20), which will be expected to be used by Local Authorities and developers, regardless of public funding or not, and no public money on schemes which don't comply.
- Shared paths to be banned, except where there is absolutely no other solution.
- Active Travel England as enforcement 'with teeth', headed by a new Cycling and Walking Commissioner.
- Health, environment and community benefits to be given full weight when judging schemes.
- Long-term cycling & walking programme with significant budget, like the roads programme and budget.
- All new local and strategic A road schemes will provide for cycling.
- All new housing and business developments to prioritise sustainable travel.
- Local authorities to get more traffic control powers, including fines.
- Less rat-running and more low-traffic neighbourhoods.
- More School Streets to protect children.
- Hard, smooth, level all-weather surfaces as standard.
- Action on bike theft, more bike parking.
- Bike training for every child and adult that wants it.
- E-Bike support programme, including loans and subsidies.
- Higher safety standards for lorries.
- Improve and extend the National Cycle Network.
- Mini-Hollands to be funded for 12 local authorities.
- Create at least one zero-emission city.
The best write-up I've seen on it so far has been from the legendary Carlton Reid here.
When will the Havant area see any of the benefits? Well even under the accelerated timescales being proposed, it might take months or years to put in new cycle paths, which won't be easy. But we'll see £50 fix your bike vouchers as soon as their website stops crashing, and training for kids and adults fairly soon.
Game Changer is the only way to describe it.
Salted roads for winter riding
One of the nastier aspects of winter rides is ice or black ice (even worse because you can't see it). Several of our riders have come a cropper. Some people prefer not to do unnecessary rides below 3 degrees.
You can see below which roads are salted to reduce the risk. Sadly, cycle paths are rarely salted unless they're right next to roads. It might be worth diverting onto a busier salted road, especially earlier in the day, before ice has a chance to melt.
Appeal for CycleWatchers
Appeal for CycleWatchers, anywhere, but especially around Gosport and Fareham.
Could you be at Bridgemary around at 11am on Tuesday 2nd July? There’s a stakeholder viewing for the Eclipse Busway extension between Tichborne Way and Rowner Road, and our Right to Ride reps can’t make it.
[Update: 11-12 is a preview for stakeholder groups like us, but it’s also open to the public from 1pm to 7pm if that’s easier for you. The more people that turn up, of course, the better.]
All you have to do is turn up, say you’re from Cycling UK, ask how it will improve cycling, so they know we’re watching, then report back.
We particularly need more CycleWatch support in the Gosport and Fareham area, and without more cyclists pushing the councils, they could de-prioritise cycling even more than they do now.
So what’s a CycleWatcher? It’s someone who wants to see better cycle infrastructure, but isn’t ready to become a full cycle campaigner. They just watch out for issues affecting everyday cycling where they are, and report them to Mike Ashton or me, Wilf Forrow. They can do as much or as little as they want.
Some examples of useful things CycleWatchers could do:
- Tell us if cycle paths need attention, or vegetation cutting back.
- Highlight improvements needed, to routes, signage, parking, etc.
- Watch out for local road ‘improvements’ or planning applications that might affect cycling.
- Estimate numbers of cyclists, count bikes parked at shops, etc.
- Chivvy their councillors to better support cycling.
- Ask for cycle parking at local businesses, shops, health centres, dentists, etc.
- Spread the message about everyday cycling!
If you think you might be able to help, in Gosport or Fareham, or anywhere, let me know.
Thanks, Wilf