Summer BBQ

At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to leader: Alison Newman.
Send an email to supporter: Roger Paddey.
Send an email to both Alison Newman and Roger Paddey.


Geoff Newman will be our chef. Food will be served at 1-o-clock. There is a covered area with seats and tables, but there might not be enough seating for everyone. If you can bring a rug and/or chairs (more practical if you're coming by car) that would be helpful. Soft drinks are included in the £5 charge. There will also be some alcoholic drinks available for an extra charge. Unfortunately there's no easy way to make tea or coffee at the site. There are toilet facilities.

Car parking is £3 for all day. We're at Benham Bush. If you drive through the main car park, then behind the centre and follow the road round you go through a pay & display. Pay there and carry on following the road. Eventually on a left hand bend is a car parking area on the right and it says Benham Bush (also by family BBQ number 6 which isn't us). There is a barrier so if you want to bring rugs/chairs etc up by car it will be unlocked at 12.30 (if not call me - you can get my mobile via member lookup). You can drive up, unload and then park.

Please note there's a gravel path about half a mile long before you reach us.

The cost will be £5 a head to cover the cost of the food. We won't be attempting to make a profit on the day. We previously said that we wanted people to pay in advance of the BBQ. That's causing some practical difficulties. If you can give Andy, Roger or Roy your money in advance, please do. You do, however, need to register you're coming by Thursday 14th August. We'll treat that as a commitment to pay. That allows us to order the right amount of food.

Please also let us know if anyone needs a vegetarian or vegan meal.

Family members and friends are welcome.

We will run three rides that will converge on the 'Benhams' BBQ site at QE Country Park:

  • An easy ride going straight there led by Martine and Andy:
    We'll meet for coffee at the Spring Centre around 10:30 on the day with a view to leaving for the BBQ at 11:00. There's a small bit of rough stuff leading up to the BBQ site (easily pushable). Coming back we're looking at the possibility for using a trail to get part way home. There will, however, be several groups of people coming back so there will be several choices of route.
  • A 'normal' ride led by Roger, and a longer/faster ride led by Neil. Both will include a coffee stop at the Sustainability Centre. Both rides will leave the Spring at 9.15.

We've stopped taking registrations for the BBQ

About easy rides

Our easy rides are designed to be an introduction to club riding. You needn't be concerned about whether you can manage the pace or distance. The easy rides are leisurely and informal. They go at the pace of the slowest rider. We will not leave you behind. If necessary we will split the ride to ensure everyone enjoys it.

The ride is designed for people of average fitness and is open to everyone. There’s no charge for joining the ride. You’ll be riding for two to three hours with a break in the middle at a tea shop. We’ll be using dedicated cycle tracks and cycle lanes wherever possible. We’ll also be using country lanes and back streets.

Inevitably, though, you will be travelling in traffic for part of the way, so the ride is not suitable for people that are uncomfortable cycling on the road.

Typically we have around a dozen people on the ride.

The easy rides usually start at 9:30. There might be a longer ride starting at 9:15. Let people know you’re waiting for the short ride or you might get a longer trip than you expected!

Cycling is a great way to improve health and well-being, and you’ll find we're a friendly bunch. We’d love to see you.

This article describes what you should consider bringing with you.

For more information contact Dee Warner, the easy ride organiser.

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