Hill climb and freewheel

  • Starts: Thursday 30 June 2016 7:45 pm
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Roy Pearce
  • Supported by: Gordon Sands
  • Category:
At: George Inn, Finchdean

Address: Finchdean, Waterlooville, PO8 0AU

The pub’s web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to leader: Roy Pearce.
Send an email to supporter: Gordon Sands.
Send an email to both Roy Pearce and Gordon Sands.


You can choose to join a group cycling from The Spring at 7pm or meet opposite the George Inn in Finchdean at 7.45pm (see map above).

The hill climb route will be the road following the railway line out of Finchdean, the hill peaking a short distance from the Red Lion in Chalton giving a short downhill finish. The climb is approximately 250ft (75 metres) over approximately 2.5m (4km).

The freewheel competition will start just down from the Red Lion on the road going south out of Chalton down to Finchdean.

For the climb the rules are that each competitor states their anticipated time to complete the course. The course is ridden without watches in a visible or easily accessible position and with cycle computers removed. Each competitor is timed over the course and the one with the time nearest to their estimate is the winner.

For the freewheel competition your cranks are secured to prevent pedalling and you start downhill from a set point. The place where you put a foot down is marked. The winner is the rider that goes the furthest.

The entry fee is again an inflation-busting 50p per event. Competitors may enter more than once by paying additional entry fees.

At the end of the event we'll go to the Castle at Rowlands Castle for refreshments and announcement of the results.

These are fun events with trophies for the winners. The fiercely competed downhill is particularly entertaining. Come and join in. If you feel that either event might be too strenuous, come and watch and enjoy the pleasant socialising afterwards.

About evening pub rides

Thursday evening rides in the summer from Havant or Farlington Marshes depending on direction. Destination is a pub for a drink or a meal.

There's a good chance you will arrive home after dark so you should bring some lights with you.

This article describes what you should consider bringing with you.

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