Rides on Wednesday 8 May

To book a place on a ride or add yourself to a wait list, please contact the ride's leader via the list below. For general queries, including advice on a suitable ride, please contact Andy Henderson.

So far we have organised the following ride(s) for Wednesday 8 May 2024:

  • 9:00am The Fittleworth Adventure
    Led by: Richard Smith
    Route grade: B - Hilly route (More about grades)
    There is one space left on this ride
    Click here for more detail and to book a place
  • 9:15am Aldingbourne & Littlehampton
    Led by: Robert Sebley
    Route grade: C - Moderate route (More about grades)
    There is a wait list for this ride
    Click here for more detail and to get on the wait list
  • 9:15am Four Marks and Selborne
    Route grade: B - Hilly route (More about grades)
    There are 3 spaces left on this ride
    Click here for more detail and to book a place
  • 9:15am Sparsholt
    Led by: Terry Willis
    This is a faster ride
    Route grade: B - Hilly route (More about grades)
    There are 4 spaces left on this ride
    Click here for more detail and to book a place
  • 9:30am A May Meander to Milland
    Led by: Martyn Roberts
    Route grade: B - Hilly route (More about grades)
    There are 5 spaces left on this ride
    Click here for more detail and to book a place
  • PCTC members who express a preference to be alerted about Wednesday rides will get email notifications of new rides. If you are a PCTC member, you can check your alert preferences.

About Wednesday rides

Wednesday rides usually start from Havant with stops for elevenses, lunch and sometimes tea. If you're unable to keep up or have a mechanical problem, someone will be available to help you - although we obviously cannot guarantee to solve all problems.

Wednesday rides usually provide a range of options to riders as we'll try to arrange multiple rides with different paces, distance and degree of hilliness.

On Wednesdays it is likely that there will be several riders coming back to the Havant area after an elevenses stop - although they might not include a PCTC ride leader. If that is what you'd like to do, please consult the ride organiser before the day of the ride to ensure someone knows and is able to bring you back.

This article describes what you should consider bringing with you on one of these rides.