Cathedral Challenge: Silver 2

  • Starts: Sunday 12 May 2024 9:30 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Dee Warner
  • Category:
  • Route grade: B - Hilly route
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Dee Warner.


Our first foray into the South Downs National Park.

After we escape from Havant we'll follow a fairly flat route to the start of Buriton Hill. That's the easiest hill over the Downs from Havant. It's a pretty route taking gentle slopes through trees with a nice descent into Buriton. We'll then do a 'U' turn and come back through the Butser Cutting - a relatively new purpose-built tarmac shared cycle and walking route to our coffee stop: Queen Elizabeth Country Park. It's another, steady hill but, again, the easiest route south over the Downs.

After coffee we will follow an undulating route across to Littlegreen and Compton. From there it's one of the nicest descents we do - several miles through the countryside. We'll do a final short, sharp climb into a single track that leads us through Westbourne back to Havant having done about 5 miles more than our Portsmouth visits.

If you have registered for the Cathedral Challenge there is no need to book and you can ignore the 'wait list' status. Otherwise, if you'd like to join the ride, let us know; registered riders will take priority so we will be unable to confirm your booking until shortly before the ride.

Bookings for this ride/event

Booking is required for this ride. Please let the ride leader know if you want to join. Please do not turn up for the ride unless you've had your booking confirmed or your name appears below.

The ride leader has not recorded any bookings yet.

About Cathedral Challenge rides

We're running a series of rides for people who are:

  • New to group cycling
  • Haven’t cycled for a while
  • Want to cycle a bit further than usual

They start with a short, 'get to know you' ride that includes a free bike check and progress through longer distances, tackling a series of challenges on the way:

  • Bronze: Havant to Portsmouth cathedral and back
  • Silver: Chichester cathedral and back
  • Gold: Winchester cathedral and back

There's more detail and a registration form here.

Note that the Cathedral rides are subject to change and adaptation as we learn more about the challenge riders.

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