This year, for the first time since 2019, we will be holding the AGM in person at Bedhampton Hall. We are hoping that this will be an opportunity for you to come along and see how the club is run and ask any questions you may have.
It will also be a chance to see cycling friends and have a social get-together with a fish and chip supper and some drinks. There will be a “table-top” sale for any cycling clothing, accessories or other cycling stuff that you no longer want but others might.
Following the AGM we'll hear from Alex Cuppleditch - Head of Volunteering at Cycling UK and a PCTC member - who will describe key aspects of Cycling UK's strategy.
As in past AGM's we won't go into detail on last year's minutes, the annual report, or the statement of accounts. Instead we ask you to read the documents below before the meeting. That will allow us to present brief summaries at the event in order to keep it as short as possible.
The agenda for the formal part of the AGM will be:
- Apologies
- President's address (John Rosbottom)
- Minutes of the previous AGM, available here
- Matters arising
- Annual report, available here (Andy Henderson)
- Statement of Accounts, available here (Heather Mulgrew-Tonge)
Note that the layout is the one dictated by Cycling UK so our data can be incorporated into its accounts - Election of officers (see below)
- Reappointment of John Blaber as auditor
- Motion from Clive Dakin:
"That, the Committee will agree to, or facilitate, provided an organiser can be found, an event within the current year (2024), open to all members that recognises the memory of Chris Davies and use funds, up to the budgeted value (10% of the CCP (Chris Davies) will donation), to enhance the event." - Any other business
As prescribed in the Cycling UK groups handbook, motions for the AGM must be submitted in writing to the secretary at least seven days in advance of the AGM.
Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM but voting is restricted to current Cycling UK members.
This is the proposed new committee:
Post | Nominee |
President | Phil Beed |
Vice president | No nomination at present (see below) |
Secretary | Andy Henderson |
Assistant secretary | Tricia Farnham |
Treasurer | Heather Mulgrew-Tonge |
Campaigns, press & publicity | Wilf Forrow |
Rides secretary | Joy Forrow |
Cosham rides rep | No nomination |
New riders rep | Martine Hebblethwaite |
Magazine editor | Martyn Roberts |
Club night coordinator | Joy Forrow |
Safeguarding officer | Phil Beed |
Additional member | Dee Warner |
We are seeking a new Vice President - traditionally they become President after a two-year term. We will seek the AGM's permission to co-opt a Vice President when we find someone willing to take the role - to be confirmed at next year's AGM.
Bookings for this ride/event
This ride/event is unlimited and booking is not required. You're welcome to turn up on the day. Please come back to this page before joining in case we have to cancel or postpone.