Wiggonholt & Steyning

  • Starts: Tuesday 9 April 2019 8:30 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: John Rosbottom
  • Category:
  • Route grade: C - Moderate route
  • Ride to elevenses grade: C - Moderate route
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: John Rosbottom.


This ride is a recce for the CTC tri-vets ride to be held in the summer. (Tri-vets are held triennially, and veteran riders (over age 50) are eligible for a CTC medal, but younger riders are also very welcome.) The tri-vet rides are 100 km or 100 miles, and we plan to offer both in one ride (100 km riders stop at a convenient railway station at the 100 km mark). The time limit for 100 mile tri-vet riders is 12 hours, but Tuesday riders on 9 April will be going a bit faster than this in order to get home at a more reasonable hour (estimated finish time shown above). As many as possible of us should measure distance covered to be sure stops are at good moments, and the distances covered meet the tri-vet constraints.

Departure is 08h30 from the Spring in Havant, the same as planned for the tri-vets. Elevenses is planned for Wiggonholt, but Amberley may be better ... we can decide on the ride. Lunch is at Steyning, and afterwards we follow the Downs Link to Shoreham, then follow the coast to Littlehampton where we have tea and say goodbye to the 100 km riders. 100 mile riders continue for another 60 km in order to get back to Havant with the correct distance.

More details to follow ...

About Tuesday rides

The Tuesday rides are typically 60-80 miles at a moderately fast pace while maintaining the social nature of the Saturday and Wednesday rides. The rides will start at various locations to be determined by the individual ride leader.

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