Westhumble & Leith Hill

  • Starts: Tuesday 7 May 2019 9:30 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Mike Harbour
  • Category:
At: Dunsfold

Address: Dunsfold

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Mike Harbour.


The Jim Fraser Revival Ride!

We will start and finish in Dunsfold to avoid the 'rat run' into Godalming at the end of the day.

The route takes us to Shamley Green and Farley Green before we climb onto the ridge of the North Downs to cross Ranmore Common. We will descend to Westhumble Station for coffee in the bike shop. We then cross the A24, courtesy of the underpass, which should now be clearly signed, following Jim’s accident last year. We will climb Box Hill, riding over Richard Long's painting Road River, which was created for the 2012 Olympic Road Race. We will loop to the east of Dorking then south to Brockham, before crossing the A24 to tackle Leith Hill. This is the toughest climb of the day, with the motivation that there is a pub for lunch at the top, The Plough Inn in Coldharbour. The return to Dunsfold will be via Ewhurst and Cranleigh, from where we will ride south and east on minor roads to avoid the B2130.

Distance: approximately 60 miles.

Ascent: approximately 4,400 feet.

Parking is free in Dunsfold at the village car park, which is accessed from Dunsfold Common Road. Heading north along Dunsfold Common Road you will see on your left, across the common, The Sun Inn, followed by the Village Stores and Post Office. Shortly after this there is a rustic wooden sign on the left of the road, which states, "Dunsfold Parish Council Village Car Park. No HGVs". This directs cars to the gravelled car park on the common forty metres to the left of the road. See map above.

We will meet in the car park at 9.15am to start the ride by 9.30am.

About Tuesday rides

The Tuesday rides are typically 60-80 miles at a moderately fast pace while maintaining the social nature of the Saturday and Wednesday rides. The rides will start at various locations to be determined by the individual ride leader.

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