The work of South Downs National Park

  • Starts: Thursday 10 March 2022 7:30 pm
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Joy Forrow
  • Category:
Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Joy Forrow.


Alister Linton-Crook will explain the South Downs National Park Authority's role and position. He will also describe its work regarding access within the park, with a focus on cycling-related aspects.

We'll be meeting via Zoom. To participate, you'll need:

  • a PC, tablet or phone with a decent internet connection;
  • speakers or headphones; and
  • a microphone.

You don't need a Zoom account to join, but you can get a free one at

If you're unsure whether your device is up to it and whether it is configured correctly, you should check it out before the presentation: you can join a test meeting at The test asks you to speak a message which it plays back to you, testing both your microphone and playback device.

To join the meeting click this link just before it starts. You will be asked for a passcode, click here to log in to see it. If you are not a PCTC member, contact Joy via the 'Contact us about this event' link above.

About club nights

These take place on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of the month during the winter at the Bedhampton social hall, Bedhampton Road, Havant, PO9 3ES starting from 7.45 for 8pm. £2.50 entrance, including tea or coffee and biscuits.

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