The Ridgeway 200K permanent Audax

  • Starts: Tuesday 26 May 2020 8:00 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Phil Beed
  • Category:
  • Route grade: B - Hilly route
  • Ride to elevenses grade: B - Hilly route
At: Denmead Co-op

Address: Hambledon Road, Denmead, PO7 6NU

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Phil Beed.


Estimated finish time at Denmead: 9pm.

This weeks ride is a 200Km Group Permanent that will take us to Wantage and back. It is an Audax event, so we will have to complete the ride within 14 hours and collect proof of passage at the Control stops.

The ride is open to anyone but you need to be confident in your ability to ride 200Km.

Before the ride

Purchase a Brevet Card via the AUK Website

Upload the GPX and study the route, you may want to make some Route Notes

Make sure you and your bike are properly prepared. Lights will be needed on the homeward leg.

On the Day

Make sure you have spare tubes, pump and tools.

Bring spare clothing, saddle bag rations and drink (2 bottles recommended).

You may find it useful to have a Map as a backup to your GPS

Be ready for a prompt start.

Expect that the stops will be more disciplined than normal, as we need to balance out rest and nutrition with the need to keep to time (minutes are miles).

Although we will be riding as a group each rider should have a plan for getting round the route or home independently if required.

Most importantly come prepared for an enjoyable and challenging day out.

About Tuesday rides

The Tuesday rides are typically 60-80 miles at a moderately fast pace while maintaining the social nature of the Saturday and Wednesday rides. The rides will start at various locations to be determined by the individual ride leader.

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