Prize-giving lunch

  • Starts: Sunday 19 January 2020 12:30 pm
  • Category:
At: The Brookfield Hotel

Address: Havant Road, Emsworth, PO10 7LF

For more detail, see the Brookfield Hotel web site.

More details and map.

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The 2019 prize-giving lunch will be at the Brookfield Hotel on Sunday, 19th January - 12.30 for 1pm. It's the annual get-together where we have lunch and award prizes earned over the past year.

The cost is £20 (children £14.50) for a three-choice, three-course menu followed by tea, coffee and a piece of brownie.

Everyone welcome. It's a good opportunity to meet non-cycling 'other halves' and for them to meet us.

To the left is the lunch order form. Click the image to see a larger version. You will also find a copy in the November issue of The Pedal.

Please make your menu selections and send them with a cheque made out to "Portsmouth CTC" for £20 / £14.50 per person to Sally Priddy by 31st December 2019.

If you are booking for more than one person, please specify who wants which menu options. That will help the servers hand out the food more quickly on the day.

Login to see Sally's address

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