BBQ - postponed

  • Starts: Thursday 8 August 2019 7:00 pm
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Roy Pearce
  • Supported by: Joy Forrow
  • Category:
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to leader: Roy Pearce.
Send an email to supporter: Joy Forrow.
Send an email to both Roy Pearce and Joy Forrow.


Joy has had to postpone this event as Wilf is in hospital in Newport having had a fall from his bike. I haven't spoken to Roy, but I guess he will reinstate the originally programmed ride to the Lord Palmerston in Southsea.

We’d love to see everyone at the CTC BBQ on 8 August. This will be the destination of the normal Thursday ride and replaces the previously programmed ride to the Lord Palmerston. You can join the ride at the Spring Centre, 7pm as usual or come direct:

  • Place: Joy and Wilf's house, log in for details. It’s in Northney, Hayling a pleasant 1.5 mile ride from the bridge. Contact Joy for directions if needed.
  • Time: anytime from 6.30pm, riders on Thursday ride will be later.
  • Bring your own BBQ food to cook, and drinks.
  • We’ll provide rolls, sauces, salads, soft and hot drinks.
  • All welcome - bring your partners.
  • Limited car parking but don’t let this put you off - it can be sorted!
  • Lots of bike parking.

Hope to see you there. If the weather is bad we’ll move inside.

About evening pub rides

Thursday evening rides in the summer from Havant or Farlington Marshes depending on direction. Destination is a pub for a drink or a meal.

There's a good chance you will arrive home after dark so you should bring some lights with you.

This article describes what you should consider bringing with you.

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