Cathedral Challenge: Gold 2

  • Starts: Saturday 9 June 2018 9:30 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Andy Henderson
  • Category:
  • Route grade: B - Hilly route
  • Ride to elevenses grade: B - Hilly route
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Andy Henderson.


Our next step in our preparation for the Winchester ride is a trip over the South Downs and back. We'll stop for elevenses at the Sustainability Centre which is at the top of the Old Winchester Hill ridge - so we'll be working for our coffee!

After that we'll drop down the other side of the ridge and work our way round on a flattish route to Petersfield where we'll stop for lunch. There are plenty of places to eat there and the possibility to have a packed lunch in the Square. We'll discuss options on the day.

We'll then finish off with a ride through the Butser Cutting to get back over the Downs followed by a nice descent through Finchdean to get back to Havant at around 4pm.

About Cathedral Challenge rides

We're running a series of rides for people who are:

  • New to group cycling
  • Haven’t cycled for a while
  • Want to cycle a bit further than usual

They start with a short, 'get to know you' ride that includes a free bike check and progress through longer distances, tackling a series of challenges on the way:

  • Bronze: Havant to Portsmouth cathedral and back
  • Silver: Chichester cathedral and back
  • Gold: Winchester cathedral and back

There's more detail and a registration form here.

Note that the Cathedral rides are subject to change and adaptation as we learn more about the challenge riders.

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