- Starts: Saturday 17 March 2018 7:30 pm and ends: 11:00 pm
- Ride leader/Event organiser: Robert Sebley
- Category: Other events
At: Bedhampton Social Hall
Address: Bedhampton Road, Havant, PO9 3ES
The hall has off-street car parking.
Contact us about this event
Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Robert Sebley.
By popular demand it has been decided to repeat the Barn Dance from March ‘16, with the same band - Swing Your Partners with caller Kate Carpenter.
So come and join in the fun and laughter (and perhaps learn some new steps).
Fish & chip supper is included in the ticket price; with vegetarian and gluten free options by pre-order from Ian Hewitt.
There will be a cash bar - so no need to bring your own
Tickets at £16 per person which can be bought initially at the Prizing Giving Lunch (Sunday 21st Jan). After that tickets will be on sale from Robert Sebley, Ian Hewitt, Roger Paddy and Andy Henderson, typically at club nights and ride gatherings.
Payment can be made in cash or cheque (payable to the ticket seller or Portsmouth CTC) which will be collected by the ticket seller. Andy can also provide details if you want to pay by electronic transfer.
Numbers are limited so get your purchase in early to avoid disappointment.