West Dean Circular

  • Starts: Sunday 5 November 2023 9:15 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Robert Sebley
  • Category:
  • Route grade: B - Hilly route
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Robert Sebley.


A few hills (around 270metres of climbs) on the 15 mile route to West Dean (via East Marden & Chilgrove), then either a flat route along Centurion Way to Lavant, or alternative hilly route via East Dean with additional 80 meter climb and 4 mile longer route, to Goodwood (to be decided on the day).
Total distance around 32/36 miles, so should be back in Havant around 2pm, but bring lights in case of delay getting back.

Booking not required, but feel free to email me if you are planning to attend.

Bookings for this ride/event

This ride/event is unlimited and booking is not required. You're welcome to turn up on the day. Please come back to this page before joining in case we have to cancel or postpone.

About Sunday morning rides

A pleasant Sunday morning ride, at a modest pace and in good company every other Sunday. Various start points.

This article describes what you should consider bringing with you.