Two day trip to Salisbury - day 1

  • Starts: Tuesday 28 March 2023 9:00 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Joy Forrow
  • Category:
  • Route grade: B - Hilly route
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Joy Forrow.


As this is my first attempt to organise a brief tour for the club. I’m trying to keep it simple so that I, and maybe others, want to organise similar events.

Date 2023 Tuesday 28th, returning Wednesday 29th March.

Overnight Salisbury – Hotel Please book your own room now!

  • Red Lion - long used by Paris to Hayling for their Channel to Channel ride every May. Despite several attempts, I've been unable to get a group rate here but have booked my room through for £89 including breakfast through

Other hotel options -

  • Premier Inn – looked more expensive and is a mile or so from the town
  • White Hart – also used by the Paris to Hayling ride.
  • Wetherspoons looked more expensive and price doesn't include breakfast.
  • Google may also have some ideas!

Meal on Tuesday night – For those who want it - I plan to book a meal, probably Italian, for us all to eat together. This will be entirely optional.

Route Options We will have at least 2 and possibly 4 or more groups. Both Dee and Martin may take groups

Distances all from Havant but we will pick up at Denmead on request

  • Day 1 to Salisbuty
    • Longer option via Wylye 85miles.
    • Shorter option of cutting off Wylye reduces the distance to 64 miles
  • Back via Mottisfont and Otterbourne - 50 miles back to Havant. There may be a less hilly shortcut along the main road if someone is prepared to lead it

This trip is unsupported but I have an offer to take a small amount of kit to the hotel. This would have to be dropped off before the ride at my house in North Hayling. Please contact me if you want this.

Otherwise riders carry their own minimal kit. You really don’t need much for one night away. A toothbrush and ideally a change of clothes but heavier things such as coat, shoes and outer jersey you can wear the one you cycle in. I intend to use my small saddlebag. I have panniers and other bags I’m willing to lend to anyone.

Bike storage - the Red Lion has a function room and I will try to negotiate use of this. Premier Inn has a policy of allowing you to take your bike in the room

 Battery charging – electric bikes welcome. I will discuss charging at the Red lion.

Other Points

There is a direct train to Portsmouth/Fareham/Cosham from Salisbury so that could be an option for those who think it is too much and/or don’t want to stay over. You could just come for a day.

Please e-mail with the following information

  • Do you want to stay overnight?
  •  Have you booked your room? if so please say where.
  • Do you want me to try to find a room mate? (I will endeavour to sort room shares if required )
  • Which route you want – long or shorter?
  • Do you want to join us for a meal on Tuesday night? (probably Italian).
  • Do you need battery charging?
  • Do you want any kit taken to the hotel?

Bookings for this ride/event

Booking is required for this ride. Please let the ride leader know if you want to join. Please do not turn up for the ride unless you've had your booking confirmed or your name appears below.

There are 20 spaces available for the leader and riders. Of these, 7 are left.

Bookings recorded for this ride (Log in to see rider names):

  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member

To ask to join this ride, please use the 'Contact us about this ride' link above to send an email to the ride leader.

About Pop-up rides

We have certain days when we try to organise regular rides. However, individual ride leaders can create pop-up rides for any day and time.

The small size of some pop-up rides means we might be unable to split a ride if you get into difficulties. We will do all we can to escort you back to the start point, but please be prepared to navigate yourself home or to call for support from a partner, relative or friend.