Spring - Pompey - Hayling (6 Parks Ride)

  • Starts: Tuesday 29 August 2023 9:45 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Steve Golding
  • Category:
  • Route grade: D - Flattish route
Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Steve Golding.


A leisurely-paced fairly flat ride with varied scenic coastal views. Starting at 9:45 at the Havant Spring centre the route will be via Farlington Marshes, Drayton Park, Cosham, Hilsea, cycle route to the Cafe in Victoria Park. Continuing to Old Portsmouth along Southsea seafront to Hayling Ferry (£3) . Possible extra stop to be decided on the day. Return via Northney. Approx 25 miles back by 14:30 (ish) Toilets en route. A reverse route will be taken if the wind direction changes to easterly otherwise pick-up points 10:15 FMCP Eastern Rd or 10:40 Hilsea by arrangement.

Bookings for this ride/event

Booking is required for this ride. Please let the ride leader know if you want to join. Please do not turn up for the ride unless you've had your booking confirmed or your name appears below.

This ride is currently full but we encourage you to ask to join the wait list. That will let the ride leader:

  • Find out the demand for that type of ride
  • Nominate you as a replacement if someone drops out
  • Arrange to split the ride if there is sufficient demand

Bookings recorded for this ride (Log in to see rider names):

  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member

To ask to join this ride, please use the 'Contact us about this ride' link above to send an email to the ride leader.

About Pop-up rides

We have certain days when we try to organise regular rides. However, individual ride leaders can create pop-up rides for any day and time.

The small size of some pop-up rides means we might be unable to split a ride if you get into difficulties. We will do all we can to escort you back to the start point, but please be prepared to navigate yourself home or to call for support from a partner, relative or friend.