New Forest Gridiron 100

  • Starts: Sunday 8 October 2023 8:00 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Phil Beed
  • Category: ,
  • Route grade: D - Flattish route
At: Lymington community centre

Address: New Street, Lymington, SO41 9BQ

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Phil Beed.


Join in the 30th running of the iconic ‘GridIron 100’.
One of the oldest on-road Cycle Randonnée’s in the UK. Acclaimed for the beauty of its route, along scenic minor roads, on a circuit of the New Forest adorned in its bright patchwork of stunning autumn colours.

To celebrate its 30th running we offer the choice of two routes. The original ‘Classic 100k’, designed to appeal to cyclists of a wide range of abilities and the inaugural ‘Challenge 100 mile’ - a much more demanding ride for the experienced cyclist.

Both routes use the same start/finish and the same two controls/halls along the route. This means that you can ‘mix and match’ the two routes. If you have started on the ‘Challenge 100 mile’ route and feel knackered by the time you reach the 2nd control, continue on the shorter ‘Classic 100k’. Conversely, if you have started on the ‘Classic 100k’ and feel mighty strong at the 2nd control, you can continue on the longer and more challenging ‘Challenge 100 mile’. The choice is entirely yours, just ensure you are capable of cycling whichever distance you choose. Aim to enjoy it!

Entry - Online only - £12.50

Bookings for this ride/event

This ride/event is unlimited but booking is required. Please let the leader/organiser know if you want to join. This will help with planning and will allow us to contact you if we have to cancel or postpone.

Bookings recorded for this ride (Log in to see rider names):

  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member

To ask to join this ride, please use the 'Contact us about this ride' link above to send an email to the ride leader.

About Pop-up rides

We have certain days when we try to organise regular rides. However, individual ride leaders can create pop-up rides for any day and time.

The small size of some pop-up rides means we might be unable to split a ride if you get into difficulties. We will do all we can to escort you back to the start point, but please be prepared to navigate yourself home or to call for support from a partner, relative or friend.