Cocking Hill Circular route

  • Starts: Wednesday 18 October 2023 9:15 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Phil Hebblethwaite
  • Category:
  • Route grade: C - Moderate route
  • Ride to elevenses grade: B - Hilly route
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Phil Hebblethwaite.


Cancelled due to bad weather forecast.

A Hilly ride to elevenses at the Cadence Cafe on top of Cocking Hill.
Continuing to West Dean before using the Centurian way into Chichester. We then take the Canal tow path to Hunston and have lunch at the Marina cafe.
Return to Havant via the Salterns Way and lanes through Woodmancote.

Plenty of Cycleways, so narrow tyres may not be suitable.
Total distance about 50 miles. Expect to be back in Havant around 4pm.

Bookings for this ride/event

Booking is required for this ride. Please let the ride leader know if you want to join. Please do not turn up for the ride unless you've had your booking confirmed or your name appears below.

There are 8 spaces available for the leader and riders. Of these, 5 are left.

Bookings recorded for this ride (Log in to see rider names):

  • A PCTC member
  • A PCTC member

To ask to join this ride, please use the 'Contact us about this ride' link above to send an email to the ride leader.