A rough time in Wales

  • Starts: Thursday 22 February 2024 8:00 pm
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Joy Forrow
  • Category:
Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Joy Forrow.


Pete Stott will be telling us about a 220 mile off road and on road bikepacking tour of mid Wales. Taking in high tracks and quiet lanes across the "Green Desert of Wales" and Southern Eryri.

Bookings for this ride/event

This ride/event is unlimited and booking is not required. You're welcome to turn up on the day. Please come back to this page before joining in case we have to cancel or postpone.

About club nights

These take place on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of the month during the winter at the Bedhampton social hall, Bedhampton Road, Havant, PO9 3ES starting from 7.45 for 8pm. £1.50 entrance, including tea or coffee and biscuits.