Bangkok to Singapore by tandem

  • Starts: Thursday 11 February 2016 7:45 pm
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Joy Forrow
  • Supported by:
  • Category:
At: Bedhampton Social Hall

Address: Bedhampton Road, Havant, PO9 3ES

The hall has off-street car parking.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Joy Forrow.


We made the journey in 1997, a goal that I had been planning in my mind for a number of years. Not sure that Ann had been planning it or fully realised what the ride would entail. It turned out to be a totally un-supported ride of approximately 1700 miles, most of the time in hot tropical conditions. At that time we did not have the use of the internet or mobile phones to book in advance. We would arrive in a town and literally have to find a place to rest our weary heads. On the plus side, the ride turned out to be not particularly hilly. To find out more, why not come to the talk/slide show.

At the Kra Ismus

Finish at Raffles

About club nights

These take place on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of the month during the winter at the Bedhampton social hall, Bedhampton Road, Havant, PO9 3ES starting from 7.45 for 8pm. £2.50 entrance, including tea or coffee and biscuits.

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