Email CTC member(s)

You appear to have come directly to this page. To work correctly, you need to use this page via specially-constructed links on this web site.

This technique ensures that spammers cannot use a link copied from this site to repeatedly email people.

You can find email links in the following places:

  • The Member lookup service under menu option 'Member services'. This is available only to members that have logged-in. If you select someone that has given us an email address and is happy for it to be used, you'll see an 'Email them' button at the foot of their page.
  • The 'Contact us about this event' link in any ride or other CTC event provides an option to email the ride leader(s) if they've provided an email address and are happy for us to use it.
  • Various pages include links to CTC people to allow non-members to get in touch with them without having to know their email address.