- Starts: Saturday 17 October 2015 9:15 am
- Ride leader/Event organiser: Roger Paddey
- Category: Saturday and Wednesday rides
At: The Spring Centre, Havant
Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS
The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.
Contact us about this event
Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Roger Paddey.
Please note the tea is 3.30 NOT 3.15, to give it time to get rid of the Sunday lunchers.
If I haven't acknowledged you email it means I haven't seen it, so could you please resend. Finally a last reminder that the cut off for booking tea is lunchtime tomorrow-Monday 12th.
The ride will - like last year - end with a cream tea. We'll be visiting Fishbourne, West Dean and Chidham but not necessarily in that order.
Please let me know, no later than midday on the 12th (the Monday before the ride), if you are coming (and how many you will be bringing) as I need to confirm this with the caterer. The cost has been kept to £5 per person. On the day I will give everyone who has 'registered and paid' a token for their tea. If you haven't bothered to register and turn up 'on spec', then there is a good chance no cream tea will be available! Obviously if you say you are coming, and don't, you will still have to pay for your tea(s) as they will have been ordered.
Depending on numbers the ride will be spilt into 2 groups, both will go to the same destinations but one will go a bit further, a bit faster and a bit lumpier. If anyone would prefer a shorter ‘Easy Ride’ please let me know and I'll arrange one. Similarly, please get in touch if you have a need to go to the tea stop direct.
We will be having a coffee and lunch stop, at the latter you have a choice of numerous eateries, pubs, or a picnic area.
Tea will be at 3.15.
The official ride will finish at tea but for those of you who wish not to make their own way, we can lead you back to Havant.
If you'd like to come please drop me an email or let me, Andy Henderson or Roy Pearce know on a ride. You can also pay your £5 to any of us, or me on the day.
About Saturday and Wednesday rides
Rides from Havant with stops for elevenses, lunch and sometimes tea. If you're unable to keep up or have a mechanical problem, someone will be available to help you - although we obviously cannot guarantee to solve all problems.
Riders are free to join and leave the ride at various points. Some ride directly to the elevenses stop.
Click either heading below to find out more about Wednesday and Saturday rides:
Wednesday rides
Wednesday rides are the largest of our rides and can provide a range of options to riders. We often split into multiple groups at the start, for example:
- A fast group that takes a longer and/or hillier route to the elevenses stop
- A ride which takes a more direct route to the elevenses stop at a moderate pace
- An elevenses ride comprised of riders going only to elevenses; the elevenses ride will have its own ride leader and might go to a different destination if the route to the main elevenses destination is long and/or hilly
On Wednesdays it is highly likely that there will be several riders coming back to the Havant area from the elevenses stop - although they might not include a PCTC ride leader. If that is what you'd like to do, please consult the ride leader at the start to ensure someone knows and is able to bring you back.
In addition, some rides split after elevenses to go at different paces or to alternate destinations. These are usually announced during the ride briefing. Please ask if you are unsure about the options available.
Saturday rides
Saturday rides are (usually) much smaller than Wednesday rides. As a result they offer fewer options for rides but more flexibility for routes and destinations.
The rides are often shown as 'informal' meaning there is no prescribed ride leader. Unless weather is particularly adverse, however, they always go ahead at the stated time and start point. We try to keep to the suggested elevenses destination to allow for people who want to ride directly there.
The lunch destination does change occasionally but we will always take views of riders into account. In particular, if you join a ride because you think you can manage the distance/hilliness, we would not substitute an alternative if it meant you couldn't join the ride.
If you want to ride with us but only to elevenses and need someone to help you with the route back, please use our general enquiry form to let us know in advance of the ride so we can try to arrange something for you.
This article describes what you should consider bringing with you on one of these rides.