Cathedral Challenge: Gold 2

  • Starts: Saturday 18 June 2016 9:15 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser: Andy Henderson
  • Category:
  • Route grade: C - Moderate route
  • Ride to elevenses grade: C - Moderate route
At: The Spring Centre, Havant

Address: East Street, Havant, P09 1BS

The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre web site is here.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Send an email to ride leader/event organiser: Andy Henderson.


This ride will be in the same format as our usual Saturday day rides, although the distance is more typical of a winter ride when we try to finish in time to allow riders to get home before sunset. Note that we will start at 9.15 - this will also be the main Portsmouth CTC ride for the day.

We'll start with a relatively easy (compared to last week, at least) run up Portsdown Hill followed by nice descent towards Southwick. We'll then go via Boarhunt and Knowle to Fontley where we'll stop at Silversprings for cakes and stuff. From there it's a pretty flat route all the way home. We'll go via Titchfield, the Meon Valley, Lee-on-the-Solent to Stokes Bay and a lunch stop at the Bayside Cabin. We'll then continue to Gosport and across the Gosport ferry (bikes currently go free) into Portsmouth, through Southsea and back to Havant via Eastern Road and Farlington Marshes.

Total distance around 40 miles.

About Cathedral Challenge rides

We're running a series of rides for people who are:

  • New to group cycling
  • Haven’t cycled for a while
  • Want to cycle a bit further than usual

They start with a short, 'get to know you' ride that includes a free bike check and progress through longer distances, tackling a series of challenges on the way:

  • Bronze: Havant to Portsmouth cathedral and back
  • Silver: Chichester cathedral and back
  • Gold: Winchester cathedral and back

There's more detail and a registration form here.

Note that the Cathedral rides are subject to change and adaptation as we learn more about the challenge riders.

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