Pedal magazine questionnaire

The committee has to decide whether and how to publish future editions of the club's magazine "The Pedal" and it is looking for your views. The two main options are to produce a free, electronic version emailed to everyone or, as now, a commercially-printed version at a price to cover production costs. The committee thinks it is impractical to do both simultaneously.

Background to the discussion

Martyn Roberts, our interim magazine editor, has produced a good summary of our current situation. You can read it here. Note that Martyn's paper appears in a different browser tab/window, you will not lose your place in the questionnaire.

The committee's view

Following discussion, the committee is inclined to produce a commercially-printed edition twice a year and to provide an electronic copy in the magazine archive immediately prior to delivery of the next edition.

It wants to know your views, however, before making a final decision. Hence this survey.

We require you to answer only three simple questions, although there is scope to provide more information if you want. Required entries are highlighted in yellow.

About you

If you want to change your mind, send another submission and we will delete previous responses

Likelihood to read the magazine
 I am more likely to read a free, electronic version
 I am more likely to read a paid-for commercially printed version
 I would read only a free, electronic version
 I would read only a paid-for commercially printed version
 I wouldn’t read either version
 Something else
Likelihood to subscribe to a commercially-printed version

If we produce a commercially-printed version we will ask you to subscribe to up to four editions in advance. The subscription fee will be the cover price plus 2nd class postage and cost of packaging; currently around £2.50 an issue.

 I will probably subscribe for copies by post
 I will probably take a chance and try and buy copies at PCTC events
 Something else
Likelihood to contribute to the magazine
 I am more likely to contribute to a free, electronic version
 I am more likely to contribute to a paid-for commercially printed version
 I would contribute only to a free, electronic version
 I would contribute only to a paid-for commercially printed version
 I wouldn’t contribute to either version
 Something else
Anything else?