Stansted Gardens

  • Starts: Friday 20 October 2017 10:30 am
  • Ride leader/Event organiser:
  • Supported by:
  • Category:
At: Stride Centre

Address: Daffodil Way, Havant, PO9 2FA

The Stride Centre is part of a new housing estate that might not be shown on your map. The new road layout is shown accurately in Google Maps but, at the time of writing, streetview is out of date.

To find it:

  • Turn off Southleigh Road onto Fifth Avenue
  • Take the second left: Poppy Way
  • Cross the staggered junction to Daffodil Way
  • The Stride centre is at the end of Daffodil Way.

More details and map.

Contact us about this event

Sorry, you cannot email this ride's leader/event organiser directly. Instead you can use our general enquiry form.


About Friday rides

We are experimenting with a new, Friday ride starting at 10.30am on alternate Fridays at the Stride Centre in Denvilles.

They are open to anyone looking for a short, easy ride, and are ideal for people new to cycling on public roads, or in a group. The ride destination shown for a given date is a suggestion. Sarah and Martin are flexible about routes and destinations so can accommodate a range of experience and ability.

If you'd like to join them,

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together with a little bit about yourself and what you'd like to achieve. That will help them plan the ride.

Most rides will involve a stop for lunch, so please either bring something with you, or some money for a café stop.

You will need a roadworthy bike. If you give us some notice, we might be able to arrange a simple bike check for you. If you are not a member of Cycling UK (it's OK if you aren't) please try to bring a completed ride entry form with you. There are some suggestions for what else to bring with you here.

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