Cycle Magazines placed in waiting rooms

We’d like your help with a new scheme to advertise Portsmouth CTC.

We all receive the CTC magazine Cycle every 2 months after which it probably gathers dust in some corner or is recycled in the green bin. The plan is that members place their old unwanted copies of Cycle in local waiting rooms in their area so that those waiting for, say, their doctor or dentist have an opportunity to browse through the magazine and ‘discover’ CTC, and also their local Membership Group. You need to remove the Cycle Contact page so we don’t pass personal telephone addresses on to non-CTC members. Instead we’ll staple or sellotape inside the Portsmouth CTC contact details, together with some basic information, so that if a reader’s interest is provoked they can follow it up. I attach a suggested A5 Waiting Rooms Publicty Scheme Flyer for you to print off and use.

All you have to do is:

  • Remove the Contact page (page 78 in the Dec ‘14/Jan ’15 edition – a separate sheet in the latest edition).
  • Print off the Portsmouth CTC flyer and staple or sellotape it to the inside of the front cover.
  • Visit local waiting rooms to get permission to leave the magazines and place them in the reading racks.

What could be easier! This scheme has been OK’d with CTC HQ and if you don’t have printer then I can provide copies of the flyer. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions by using the web site email system.

This is the second initiative that has involved members in generating publicity for our club, the first being the poster competition and subsequent plan for members to put up posters in their local area, see here. To assess how both this scheme and the above magazine based scheme are operating please enter your actions and the outcome in a spread sheet here. The spread sheet will also enable members to avoid duplicating publicity activities.

Another way of promoting Portsmouth CTC is by sending newsworthy articles to local newspaper editors. Please record this type of activity on the spread sheet too.

Thanks for all your help and I look forward to seeing your entries in the recording spread sheet.

Robert Sebley, Portsmouth CTC Publicity.

About Robert Sebley

Retired naval engineer, having served in the merchant navy as a a 'steam' engineer(6 years with an oil company) and then in the RN as a Weapon Electrical officer (18 years), finally completing my career supporting the RN as a civil servant (16 years). Married with 4 children and 3 grand children.

4 thoughts on “Cycle Magazines placed in waiting rooms

  1. I am all for this Rob and have some aged left over copies which you on occasion have had before. Mind you I go to the surgery very infrequently, and long may it continue.


  2. Stapling flyer may not be a good idea. Staples can be sharp and may cut someone.
    I suggest sellotaping it to a page.

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